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You Are a Divine Idea in the Mind of God! There is No One Just Like You! Your Gifts Are Unlike Anyone Else's!

Remember, you even have your own unique fingerprint that matches no one else's in the entire world! So, "YOU MATTER"! Now you just need to say to yourself as often as you can (to de-program yourself): I Am UNIQUE! I am a Divine Idea in the Mind of God! My Gifts Are Unlike Anyone Else's, My "Style" is Unique to Me! I MATTER! I Love Myself! And dear sister or brother, as they say, once you get this down and really begin to believe it (and the more you can do this every day the better okay) - people can invisibly feel this and will be naturally drawn to you. So, if you want more friends and good people magnetically attracted to you - just begin to love yourself more and more. Compliment Yourself! Be Kind to Yourself! Practice your guitar, plant a garden, cook a special dish and share it! Become a hugger! I don't know........but just - Do It! SHINE! "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart....." (Jeremiah 1:5) and "Your eyes saw my unformed body, all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:1 #Motivate #Encourage #Uplift #Inspirational #Bible #Message #Quote #Prayer

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